Rossholme Education Center

Rossholme Education Center is a school located in the heart of Kiambiu slum in Nairobi, Kenya. The school was founded in 2016 by Joyce Aruga with monies from small savings. The school aims at uplifting the educational standards of the children within the slum. The school cares for the needy and poor families as a way of giving them hope. The school educates 426 children from preschool through grade six. Rossholme provides two meals a day and education to children in the neighborhood who come from some of the most vulnerable family situations. The goal of the school is to provide education, nourishment and a safe environment to learn.

A word about our experiences at Rossholme Education Center

As some of you know, we had the chance to travel to East Africa this past summer with my family. We visited both Kenya and Tanzania and cannot begin to express how amazing the trip was for all of us.

One of the places we had the chance to visit was a school located in the Kiambu neighborhood of Nairobi. The school is called the Rossholme Education Center. The school was started in 2016 by an incredible woman named Joyce Aruga who saw the need in this neighborhood to provide an education and safe place for some the the most vulnerable children. The school now has 426 pupils ranging from preschool thru grade six. Joyce and her team educate the children and provide 2 meals a day in an area of the city that would otherwise not be served. She and staff do this all with compassion and love for what they do.

We had the opportunity to spend the day at the school enjoying 2 meals, visiting classrooms, traveling with the children to the local field for some outdoor exercise and games. Joyce and her staff also arranged for us to visit some of the children’s homes and meet their parents. Every day for these families is a struggle.  Rossholme provides relief for many of the people in Kiambiu by offering 2 meals a day to all of the students. Most of these children do not eat on the days they are not in school.

Our 501c3 organization — American Friends of Learners in Kenya (AFLIK) — helps support Joyce and the school. When people ask what we learned most from our trip, the word that comes to mind is gratitude. We are so blessed to live in a place with a roof over our heads, food on our tables, and access to health care and education. So often in this world, this is not the case.

We would be grateful if you would consider helping Rossholme. Please reach out with any questions you have.

With gratitude,

Erica Wood
President, American Friends of Learners in Kenya